Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Code #6

You can be part of Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Donations by purchase item from these generous designers

Skin::. by LionSkin  GIVEhelp
when YOU take a copy of this skin PLEASE DONATE what you can to the Red Cross Earthquake/Tsunami Relief Efforts in the Pacific. Any donation will help and go a long way to help rebuild the lives of people there after this horrific disaster.

Hair::. by   Magika   PCF Red // Aina Hair 50L (3 more styles to choose from)

Top::. by  AOHARU
[ThankUPray4Japan]  DungareeLongShirt Red  50L

Boots::. by   COCO
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Dontions- WorkBoots 300L

::.Group Gift.::
Skirt::.  by   JANE   a little lace skirt. khaki  (Free)
Socks::.  by Pig  socks mit suspenders (Free)